1- Overall Objective
Overall objective is to contribute to the effective and efficient utilisation and management of the funds to be allocated under the IPA II period (2014-2020). The purpose of this contract is to support the MEUA with a view to its responsibilities as the NIPAC Secretariat, who shall be the main counterpart of the European Commission for the overall process of strategic planning, co-ordination of programming, monitoring of implementation, evaluation and reporting of IPA II assistance.
2- Results to be Achieved
Addressing short-term capacity building needs of the MEUA and the lead beneficiaries regarding the sectoral basis of programming, implementation and co-ordination;
Strengthening MEUA capacity to fulfil its roles and responsibilities at all stages of the whole process as NIPAC Secretariat with regard to the mid-term review of the IPA II assistance to be concluded by the European Commission;
Developing recommendations for better functioning of the management and control systems in the NIPAC Secretariat;
Providing a systematic approach also including lead beneficiaries and existing Operating Structures on reporting mechanism;
Strengthening evaluation management capacity of the MEUA in order to better fulfil responsibilities assigned in the IPA II period.
3- Project Components and Activities
Component 1 – Capacity building for IPA II
Activity 1.1 – TNA will be carried out and TNA report will be produced by preparing a TNA methodology
Activity 1.2 – A training programme for IPA II will be developed based on the TNA results
Activity 1.3 - Specific trainings to MEUA/NIPAC Secretariat, Lead Beneficiaries (LB), NAO and CFCU staff will be delivered. First of all, a training manual and toolkit will be prepared together with training curricula and training materials. Training sessions will be delivered to indicatively 400 participants.
Activity 1.4 - Three study visits in accredited EU institutions will be organised. Three study visits with tailor-made training programmes will be organised for the staff of MEUA/NIPAC Secretariat, LB and CFCU (each with 12 participants with 5 days per visit organised in EC accredited institutions)
Activity 1.5 - All IPA II related legislation, Financing Agreements and other relevant materials will be translated and disseminated. Following the completion of translation, proof-reading will be carried out to adapt the translated documents for dissemination purposes. Web page will be established for dissemination of documents
Activity 1.6 - Four regional seminars in Turkey, each with approximately 300 participants, will be organised for presenting IPA I achievements and IPA II opportunities
Component 2 – Support to NIPAC Secretariat Functions
Activity 2.1 All relevant manuals and guidelines regarding the management and control system during the IPA II period will be prepared, updated or revised. Round table discussions will be organised for presentation and analyses of the manuals and guidelines.at the same time, on-the-job support and coaching for NIPAC Secretariat staff will be provided.
Activity 2.2 NIPAC Secretariat will be assisted in management of the IPA II evaluation process. In this context a gap analysis will be carried out and NIPAC Secretariat Evaluation Framework for IPA II will be described. At the same time guidelines for establishing Performance Measurement Criteria will be prepared and road map for IPA II mid-term review will be prepared. Procedures and guidelines for reporting will be developed or the existing procedures and guidelines will be updated. On the job support and coaching NIPAC Secretariat staff will also be provided.
Activity 2.3 An online system for utilisation of IPA II in line with the EU System for Fund Management and Electronic Exchange of Information (SFC2014) will be developed, established and maintained. In this context a gap analysis will be carried out and specifications for the system nd its establishment will be developed and agreed. Three days of training on using the online system will be delivered for at least 15 staff of MEUA.
Activity 2.4 Draft Final Report will be prepared and the Closing Event will be held.
4- Project Target Groups
The following institutions are the main target groups of this project:
Central level institutions:
MEUA – primarily the Financial Co-operation Directorate, but also other relevant Directorates;
Other institutions acting as Annual Programme Operating Structure: Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, CFCU;
Institutions acting as Multi-annual Programme Operating Structure: Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation; Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications; Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology; Ministry of Labour and Social Security; Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Managing Authority) and Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution (IPARD Agency).
National Authorising Officer

Technical Assistance for IPA II (2014-2020)

This web site is produced with the financial support of European Union and the Republic of Turkey. The contents of this web site are the sole responsibility of the consortium leaded by EY (Ernst Young Advisory Services) and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union and/or Turkey.
This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey