Within the scope of Technical Assistance for IPA II (2014-2020) Project, which the Ministry for EU Affairs is the Beneficiary, opening of “Capacity Building Training Programmes” that will be implemented in order to increase our institutions’ capacities, took place at Bilkent Hotel, with participation of Ministry’s Acting Undersecretary Mr. Ahmet Yucel.
Representatives from EU Delegation and Central Finance and Contracts Unit participated to the meeting together with representatives from Ministry of Development, Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation, Ministry of Transport, Communications and Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Livestock, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Underscretariat of Treasury and representatives from Project consortium.
Following the opening speeches, College of Europe, who is responsible for the implementation of the training program held a presentation.
Mr. Yucel in his speech, emphasized the common responsibility of all institutions in the financial cooperation mechanism, including the EU Commission and EU Delegation, on ensuring the effective use of funds.

"Opening of Capacity Building Training Programmes" of TA for IPA II (2014-2020)Project took place at Bilkent Hotel on 21 November 2016

This web site is produced with the financial support of European Union and the Republic of Turkey. The contents of this web site are the sole responsibility of the consortium leaded by EY (Ernst Young Advisory Services) and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union and/or Turkey.
This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey
IPA II (2014-2020) Technical Assistance Project