Multi annual action programme for environment and climate commision implementing decision C(2014) 9575 final of 11.12.2014 adopting a multi-annual Action Programme for Turkey on Environment and Climate Action.
TOTAL COST 2014 EUR 38 660 000
2015 EUR 75 750 000
2016 EUR 99 580 000
OVER ALL EUR 181 890 000
Indirect management by the entities listed below:
For indirect management with Turkey the Operating Structure responsible for the execution of the actions, is: Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation (MoEU)
Indirect management by the entrusted entities listed below:
Action 1 and 2: EIB for the part of the actions 1 and 2 related to the Municipal Finance Facility;
Action 3: World Bank for the part of action 3 related to the Sustainable Cities Planning and
Management Systems.
Timetable for spending allocation of each budgetary commitment
Budgetary commitment 2014 must be spent by 31/12/2019
Budgetary commitment 2015 must be spent by 31/12/2020
Budgetary commitment 2016 must be spent by 31/12/2021
Action 1 Water [EUR 67 420 000]
Objective of the action
To increase the overall compliance with EU acquis, strategies and policies related to water and to achieve good water status for waters in Turkey by integrated water management.
Expected results
Improved legislation and increased institutional capacity for components of Water Acquis
mproved infrastructure for delivery of drinking water and wast water treatment
Action 2 Waste [EUR 76 020 000]
Objective of the action
To increase the overall compliance with EU Acquis, strategies and policies related to waste.
Expected results
Increased the capacity of the institutions involved in the waste management
Efficient, affordable and sustainable waste management services provided to the population, improved integrated waste management systems, including separate collection and reduced amount of waste disposed in uncontrolled landfills, reduced greenhouse gas emissions from waste facilities.
Action 3 Environmental Management for Sustainable Development [EUR 38 450 000]
Objective of the action
To develop alignment with the EU’s environment and climate change acquis and further enhance the implementation capacity of related institutions towards a resource efficient, climate and disaster resilient green economy in Turkey.
Expected results
Increased environmental protection in line with EU Acquis, and enhanced policy and strategy frameworks and implementation plans for putting EU Acquis into practice
Enhanced climate action on climate change adaptation and mitigation

Technical Assistance for IPA II
Usefull Links

This web site is produced with the financial support of European Union and the Republic of Turkey. The contents of this web site are the sole responsibility of the consortium leaded by EY (Ernst Young Advisory Services) and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union and/or Turkey.
This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey