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In terms of programming the sector programme on Education, Employment and Social Policy was drafted by MoLSS with the participation of relevant stakeholders. In the fields of employment, education and social policy, 2014-2020 Human Resources Development Sectoral Operational Programme (HRDSOP) has three main Action namely; Employment, Education & Training and Social Policies & Inclusion.

First Employment Action is composed of three main activities.


These are

  • promoting decent work,

  • promoting employment and employability,

  • supporting employment policy-making and implementation processes for better service provision.

Under the first activity; promoting decent work in Turkey, supporting the enforcement of relevant legislation and the institutional capacity, trainings and awareness-raising activities targeting the policy-makers and practitioners, combating unregistered employment, improving social dialogue are some of the eligible interventions of this activity. Under the second activity; improving employability of women, young and disadvantaged persons by all relevant means, especially ALMPs, including training, counselling and guidance, supporting job creation and entrepreneurship programs are some of the eligible interventions of this activity. Under the third activity; strengthening the policy–making process and enhancing the service delivery, supporting policy implementation capacities of relevant actors through trainings, consultancies are some of the eligible interventions of this activity.

Second Action on Education and Training is composed of three main activities.


These are

  • improving the quality of education and training,

  • increasing educational attainment and skill levels by providing access to all,

  • strengthening the vocational qualifications system, LLL and adaptability.

Within the scope of the first activity of this action; increasing the quality and scope of education and strengthening the link between education and employment, supporting policy-making, policy implementation, monitoring and evaluation capacities of relevant actors are some of the eligible interventions. Within the scope of the second activity of this action; support to increase the participation rates of education, promoting capacity building of relevant services are some of the eligible interventions.  The focus of third activity are development of skills and competences necessary for lifelong learning, facilitating reforms in the role and functions of the MoNE and supporting TQF/NQS and certification bodies authorised by VQA, social partnership at sectoral level.

Third Action on Social Policies and Inclusion is composed of two main activities.


These are

  • capacity-building for social inclusion,

  • facilitating access of the disadvantaged persons to social protection services and labour market.

The first activity will especially focus on the capacity building for MoFSP and relevant actors regarding policy making, implementation, monitoring and evaluation through staff trainings and establishing/improving/upgrading mechanisms including IT systems, and by supporting research and qualitative and quantitative studies. The second activity aims at improving accessibility of services and social assistance for the disadvantaged persons by supporting the diversification and capacity enhancement of service providers especially targeting the NGOs and the local actors.


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This web site is produced with the financial support of European Union and the Republic of Turkey. The contents of this web site are the sole responsibility of the consortium leaded by EY (Ernst Young Advisory Services) and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union and/or Turkey.

This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey

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