The Home Affairs is a wide ranging sector dealing with crucial issues such as migration, border management and organised crimes. The Ministry of Interior (MoI) is the lead institution of the sub-sector with its affiliated bodies and central institutions. The MoI has been responsible from the overall coordination, programming and monitoring-evaluation of the activities in the sub-sector.
Key institutions which are mainly implementing projects in the sub-sector are: DG of Migration Management (MoI), DG of Provincial Administrations Border Management Department, Turkish National Police, Turkish General Staff, Turkish Jandarma, Turkish Coast Guard, Ministry of Customs and Trade (MCT), Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Justice (MoJ).
In the field of Migration and Asylum, combating irregular migration, fight against human trafficking and protecting the victims of THB, fostering the facilitation of regular migration and improving capacity of international protection are basic areas which imply important priorities of the Home Affairs Sub-sector. Moreover, mass influx of Syrians is another main challenge issue in terms of Syria Crises.
Studies regarding the establishment of a border management compatible with the EU's border management model are carried out under the coordination of the Ministry of Interior within the scope of 'Justice, Freedom and Security' chapter. Border security service in Turkey is carried out by Turkish National Police and Ministry of Customs and Trade at the border gates, by the Land Forces Command at the land borders and by the Coast Guard in maritime borders. Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of Provincial Administration / Border Management Department is responsible for ensuring coordination among above mentioned agencies and the management of project and legal works in the field. There has been some projects under IPA-II, of which, above mentioned institutions are the main or co-beneficiaries, to strengthen the institutional, legal and technical capacity of Turkey regarding IBM.
In the area of Fight against Organized Crime, strengthening all law enforcement institutions involved in the fight against organised crime and align their status and responsibilities with European standards, developing inter-agency and international cooperation are the main dynamics in this area. These include combating money laundering, terrorism, drugs, and cyber-security threats. Moreover, increasing the further training and equipment, and developing police cooperation at international and domestic levels are priority aims in the fight against organised crime.

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This web site is produced with the financial support of European Union and the Republic of Turkey. The contents of this web site are the sole responsibility of the consortium leaded by EY (Ernst Young Advisory Services) and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union and/or Turkey.
This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey