Civil society sector focuses on critical issues like development of civil society, increasing cooperation between civil society and public institutions and developing civil society dialogue between Turkey and the EU
Justice aims independence, impartiality, efficiency and strengthening administration. Fundamental rights consist of activities f or key institutions to ensure that respect to fundamental rights and freedoms are further developed.
Home affairs is one of the key cooperation areas between Turkey and the EU and gained more importance after getting into force of the readmission agreement and the implementation of visa liberation roadmap at the end of 2013.
In order to increase inter connectivity with European networks, Energy sector is focused on supporting energy efficiency and renewable energy in line with achieving aims to increase reliability, efficiency and operational performance of Turkish electric and natural gas transmission system and climate change.
Agriculture and Rural Development sector aims at adoption of the relevant EU acquis and increasing the institutional capacity.
Under Environment sector, improving legislation in the areas of Water, Waste and Sustainable Development and increasing institutional capacity as well as infrastructural investments will be supported.
Under Employment, Education and Social Policies sector, it is foreseen to implement complementary active measures towards target groups with the aim of promoting changes to overcome problems identified in the areas of employment, education and social policies.
Under the Competitiveness and Innovation sector, it is aimed to support enterprises in mobilising their value chains with higher added value in their manufacturing/product/service sectors in the areas of development of private sector, science, technology and innovation.
Under Transportation sector, both legislative alignment and infrastructure investment areas will be supported in the areas of sustainable and Secure Transport, Effective Transport, Accessible Transport and Single Transport Area with the EU.
Technical Assistance for IPA II (2014-2020)
This web site is produced with the financial support of European Union and the Republic of Turkey. The contents of this web site are the sole responsibility of the consortium leaded by EY (Ernst Young Advisory Services) and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union and/or Turkey.
This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey
Employment, Education and Social Policies