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Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights has been identified as a sector in IPA II process which covers the period between 2014-2020. Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Sector has been divided into two sub-sectors: Home Affairs and Judiciary and Fundamental Rights that two seperate sub-fields.
Judiciary and Fundamental Rights Sub-Sector has also been divided into two seperate sub-fields: Judiciary and Fundamental Rights.
In the Fundamental Rights Sub-Field, IPA II is programmed by the Ministry for EU Affairs as the lead institution in close cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and involvement of other key stakeholders.
Fundamental Rights Sub-Field have priority areas for the implementation of activities/projects which are as follows:
Strengthening the Institutional Capacity in the Field of Fundamental Rights
Strengthening the Cooperation between Institutions and Stakeholders in the Field of Fundamental Rights
Protection of Socially Vulnerable Persons
Regarding the Fundamental Rights Sub-Field the total budget which is planned to be allocated for the period 2014-2020 is 43,4 Million EUR. (Please see the below table for the total budget and its yearly breakdown)
CSP Turkey- Indicative Financial Allocations per sector for the period 2014 – 2020 (EUR million)
Sector 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total 2014-2020 %
Fundamental Rights 13,63 26,21 3,60 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 43,7 1,0
At the moment, we have already programmed 5 activities with a total budget of 15.000.000 EUR (of which 13.625.000 EUR is EU Contribution) for the year 2014.
Activities which are within the 2014 programming package are as follows;
Activity 1.1 Empowerment of the Role of Parliament in the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights by Strengthening the Administrative Capacity of Parliament
Activity 1.2 Enhancing the Capacities of both Chief Civil Administrators about Crowd Control and the Civil Inspectors about Effective Investigation
Activity 1.3 Strengthening the Capacity of Bar Associations and Lawyers on European Human Rights Standards
Activity 1.4 Strengthening the Civilian Oversight of Internal Security Forces in coordination with the Ministry of Interior General Directorate of Provincial Administration
Activity 1.5 Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of National Human Rights Institution of Turkey
Moreover, in Fundamental Rights Sub-Field we have 5 other activities already proposed by our different ministries/institutions with a total budget of 20.299.693 EUR (of which 18.941.489 EUR is EU Contribution) for the year 2015.
Activities which are within the 2015 programming package are as follows;
Activity 1.6 Empowerment of the Role of Ombudsman in the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights
Activity 1.8 Strengthening the Instituional Capacity of Turkish National Police regarding Public Order Management and Crowd
Activity 1.9 Independent Police Complaints Commission & Complaints System for the Turkish National Police, Gendarmerie and Coast Guard
Activity 3.2 Increasing the Organizational Capacity of the Women and Children Sections (WCS)of the Gendarmerie General Command
Activity 3.3 “Generation Democracy” Strengthening A Culture of Democracy in Basic Education Institutions
Therefore, we have currently programmed 10 activities with a total budget of 35.299,693 EUR (of which 32.566.489 EUR is EU Contribution) for 2014 and 2015 programming years.
On the other hand, for 2016 programming process is ongoing. Currently, we have 3 activity proposals in hand, focusing on Roma and gender issues from Ministry of Family and Social Policies with a total budget of 9.500.000 EUR.